Student Course Evaluation Procedures

Chris Brown Vice Provost for Faculty Development
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019, 9:56 a.m.
KU Lawrence Faculty,KU Lawence Unclassified Professional Staff,KU Graduate Teaching Assistants

The University of Kansas values high-quality instruction, and continually seeks to improve its academic course offerings. Although student course surveys are only one component of an effective evaluation strategy, they are an important, required component and must be given due consideration.

As a reminder, University policy requires all teaching faculty each semester to administer a student course survey to all students in courses with at least five students. The policy requires the surveys to be administered and collected under controlled conditions that ensure students’ anonymity. Departments are also reminded that instructors should have access to survey results only after final grades have been submitted.

To meet these requirements, the Provost Office asks instructors to abide by the following policies and procedures:

For all Student Course Surveys:

  • The student course survey for regular semester courses must be administered during the last two full weeks of classes for the semester.
  • Student course surveys for courses that are scheduled to meet for a shorter or longer calendar than the standard 16-week semester should be adjusted to ensure timing of the survey at a comparable point in the term.
  • The student course survey may not be administered during the period designated for final exams.
  • The date when the student course survey will be administered in class must be announced at least one class session in advance.
  • The instructor must leave the room during in-class administration of the student course survey.
  • For in-person and hybrid courses, at least 15 minutes of class time should be set aside for the administration of the student course survey.
  • For courses taught entirely online, instructors should send a personal message to students about the student course survey, in addition to the automated email reminders.

For surveys conducted on paper:

  • The instructor should ask a student or other departmental representative to administer the student course survey. The instructor will provide the student with an instruction sheet for administering and returning the completed surveys to the department office.
  • The student or other volunteer will collect the completed surveys and return them in a sealed envelope to the designated individual in the department office.

For surveys conducted online:

  • When announcing the in-class date for the student course survey, remind students to bring a suitable device to class for completing the online survey.
  • The instructor should make sure students have found the student course survey link (in their email or on Blackboard) before leaving the room.
  • Remind students that they may also complete the student course survey outside of class if they need more time.

A full description of procedures is available in the KU Policy Library. For assistance with either the paper or the online versions of the student course survey contact:

Center for Faculty Development and Mentoring
Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd. Room 145
Lawrence, KS 66045

The Provost Office recommends that instructors explain the importance of completing the student course survey and remind students about the survey several times. We further recommend that instructors talk with students ahead of time about how their feedback improves the quality of courses at the University of Kansas.

J. Christopher Brown, Ph.D.
Geography and Atmospheric Science
Environmental Studies Program
Vice Provost for Faculty Development