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Appearance Request
How to find us in Strong Hall
For direct access to the Provost Office suite, use the entrance and stairs at the southeast corner of Strong Hall. Take the stairs to the second floor.
For accessibility, use the accessible entrances at the front or rear of Strong Hall and take the elevator to the second floor. Enter the Chancellor Office suite at the south end and let the receptionist know you are here to meet a party in the Provost Office. A staff member will escort you to the Provost Office suite.

About Strong Hall
Strong Hall is the main administration building for the Lawrence campus. Construction on the the 130-room building, faced in buff terra cotta, began on the east wing of the Administration Building in 1909; it was occupied by seven departments in 1911. Because of budget constraints and the demands of the university's response to World War I, “West Ad” and “Center Ad” were completed in stages, ending in January 1924.
The building was renamed for sixth chancellor Strong in 1934, after his death. In 1998, about the time of major renovations and upgrading, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and it is part of the campus historic district as well.