Salary Increases for Upcoming Fiscal Year

Carl Lejuez interim provost and executive vice chancellor
Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 10:38 a.m.
KU Lawrence Faculty and Staff


With the end of the Kansas legislative session and the final Kansas Board of Regents meeting for the fiscal year last Wednesday, we are now able to share some important and positive budgetary information for the upcoming fiscal year.

I am pleased to announce a 2.5% raise pool for faculty and staff. The distribution of these funds will be determined primarily by merit, and we encourage unit leaders to consider equity adjustments in these allocations. Raises will be effective in October, giving unit leaders time to review employee compensation levels and to establish a plan for allocating raises.

To further address equity pay issues, we will provide a $500 increase to base salaries of regular appointed employees earning a full-time equivalent annual rate of $30,000 or less (with a pro-rated adjustment for similarly compensated part-time employees). This special equity increase will go into effect with the first paycheck of the fiscal year (pay period beginning 6/16/2019) and is in addition to the 2.5% merit pool. If you have questions regarding eligibility for any of these increases, please contact Human Resource Management, 785-864-4946,

These positive developments are supported by a partial restoration of funds from the State, but they would not be possible without the sacrifice our campus community made in the budget reduction implemented last summer. As we conclude a challenging year of cuts, I want to thank you all for your dedicated service to KU and the state of Kansas.



Carl Lejuez
Interim Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor