Jill Hummels

- Chief of Staff and Director of Internal Communications
Contact Info
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Jill serves as Chief of Staff and Director of Internal Communications for the Office of the Provost. She and her team work extensively with the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor as well as several vice provosts and their respective staffs to disseminate news of campus initiatives and achievements to both external and internal audiences.
She joined the Provost’s Office in 2015 after more than 14 years as public relations director for the KU School of Engineering. Prior to working for the university, she held a number of editorial roles at the Lawrence Journal-World during the golden era of print journalism. Her years in the daily newspaper industry were preceded by more than seven years as a donor recruitment and PR director for a nonprofit blood donation center.
Across campus she serves as communications lead for the KU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (http://www.phikappaphi.org/join/chapters-list/university-of-kansas).
She earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a master’s in journalism and mass communication from Kansas State University.
She has extensive experience in writing both editorial content and marketing content, social media management, photography, website content and creation, print production layout and design, and strategic and crisis communications.
You can follow her personal social media feeds at
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jhummels
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jhummels
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jhummels/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jhummels1/videos
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jill-hummels/2/59b/720
And, yes, she has given blood, and to date has donated the equivalent of more than 11 gallons of blood and platelets to help patients in need of life-saving transfusions.