Thank You for a Great Commencement and a Great Year
Dear Colleague,
The season of Commencement celebrations is such a joyous time at KU, and the culmination of so many plans, so much effort, and the involvement of so many people. Thank you to everyone who played a role in all of the celebrations – in the College and professional schools, for student organizations, for faculty, staff and retirees – whether it was through your efforts in organizing, staging, staffing, marshaling, greeting, presenting, aiding, financing, or documenting. These celebrations were the best of KU – filled with family, friends, joy and appreciation that were the result of colleagues coming together in the spirit of service for a greater good.
Thank you to all who have helped our students transform into graduates. Our instructors and support staff have been there all year long, providing the encouragement and assistance to see students through to their goals. This graduating class dealt with a lot to reach this point. You were on the front lines and saw the struggles and were ready with solutions and words of support to help them persevere.
The beauty of our commencement season is that it’s such a wonderful reminder that our people make KU the great institution that it is.
I wish you a relaxing and rewarding summer.
Barbara A. Bichelmeyer
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor