Leadership Updates
Dear Colleague,
I’m excited to let you know of appointments to two important positions serving the university. I have asked Nick Stevens, who has been serving as Interim Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management, to be the unit’s next Vice Provost. I have also asked Corinne Bannon, who has been serving as Chief Data Officer in an interim capacity, to officially assume the role as our CDO and Vice Provost for Analytics, Institutional Research and Effectiveness. These appointments are effective immediately.
Both these individuals bring their exceptional skills and experience to these roles. Individually, they have distinguished themselves throughout their lengthy careers at the university. They each have shown an eagerness and a talent in mastering the knowledge and capabilities necessary to lead their respective units at the highest level.
Finding the balance between conducting a nationwide search and promoting our own top talent is a move that requires thoughtful consideration. This decision ensures continuity of efforts in areas that are critical to the university’s continued growth and improvement. Nick and Corinne have produced exceptional results and have risen to the challenges that have been set before them and have the confidence and support of the staff in the units they lead. I am confident that Nick and Corinne will continue to serve the best interests of the university as they continue to grow in leadership and service for their respective units and their university partners and stakeholders.
Please join me in congratulating Nick Stevens as our new Vice Provost of Strategic Enrollment Management and Corinne Bannon as our new Chief Data Officer and Vice Provost for Analytics, Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
Barbara A. Bichelmeyer
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor