Final Exams: Procedures for Evacuating Buildings, Postponement due to Weather

Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Thursday, July 21, 2022, 3:55 p.m.
KU Lawrence Faculty, KU Lawrence Unclassified Professional Staff, KU Graduate Teaching Assistants

Dear Colleagues,

Final examinations are scheduled to begin on the last day of summer session, Friday, July 29. The purpose of this email is to remind you of procedures for evacuating buildings or postponing finals due to weather.

Procedure for evacuating buildings during final exams

If a building evacuation is necessary during the final exam period, a member of the KU Office of Public Safety will inform faculty who are giving examinations of an alternate location or will tell the faculty that the examination will be delayed briefly until the building can be searched.

In this event, please inform your students that no final examination will be canceled or postponed to a later date because of a building evacuation. Please explain that there are real personnel and material costs associated with each evacuation.

A building evacuation may be necessary due to fire, power failure, lack of water, hazardous material release, structural damage, or any other situation that makes the facility unsafe or uninhabitable. An evacuation may be initiated by the building alarm, by notice from a public safety officer or fire official, or by administrative decision.

Procedure for postponing final exams due to weather

In the event that weather conditions are so severe that examinations cannot safely be held, a decision to postpone examinations will be made and announced in accordance with existing policies and procedures on inclement weather.

If an alarm sounds, or if a public safety officer or fire official gives an evacuation notice, everyone must leave the building.

For further information

Detailed information about the policies and procedures affecting evacuations during final examinations is available on the Policy Library website.

Detailed information about the Inclement Weather portion of the Weather Policy and Procedure is also on the Policy Library website.

If you have questions, contact the Provost's Office, 785-864-4904 or



Barbara A. Bichelmeyer

Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor