Winter Recess Reminder

Mike Rounds Vice Provost for Operations
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019, 9:31 a.m.
Deans Directors and Department Chairs,HRIS-L

Sent on behalf of Mike Rounds, Vice Provost for Operations


I want you to have dates and information about the winter recess and academic break periods. Please share it with university support staff and unclassified professional staff in your unit. It can also be found on the Winter Recess website. If your unit has not yet filed plans using the site, please ensure that an authorized representative for your office submits your unit’s winter recess plans by Monday, Dec. 16, 2019.

Winter Recess

During the recess, administrative and student services offices responsible for completing fall semester graduation checks, for processing promotion and tenure files, and for discharging operational and business functions will remain open on work days. Other offices may close or may arrange for reduced staffing with prior approval of their dean, vice provost, vice chancellor, provost, or chancellor, as appropriate.

Winter Recess Dates: Thursday, December 26, 2019, through Tuesday, December 31, 2019

  • Work days: December 26-31, and January 2-19
  • Building hours on work days: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Holidays: December 25, January 1 and January 20.

Academic Break

Final examinations conclude on Friday, December 20; spring semester classes begin on Tuesday, January 21. Academic Break dates: Saturday, December 21, through Monday, January 20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday).

Information will be provided to units at a later date about campus operations during winter recess and academic break and about related payroll and personnel procedures.

Severe Weather

Faculty and staff have also received a reminder about severe weather that affects university functions. When severe winter weather seems imminent, members of the KU community are encouraged to monitor for news of closures and delayed start times for the Lawrence and Edwards campuses. 

Supervisors are reminded to discuss potential work arrangements with employees now before winter weather affects our campuses and the surrounding area. Please be sure that any weather-essential staff members in your unit understand their responsibilities when severe weather affects campus operations. Other employees are encouraged to use their judgement about safe travel and family needs during severe weather conditions and are expected to keep their supervisor informed. Employees may use appropriate forms of their accrued paid leave for the time they may be absent from work.

Mike Rounds
Vice Provost for Operations

cc: personnel-related staff