Annual Campus Training Will Open in February

Provost Barbara Bichelmeyer and Vice Provost Mike Rounds
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, 2 p.m.
All Faculty, Staff & Affiliates

Dear Colleague,

Last year, in response to employee suggestions, we changed how we conducted our annual trainings for KU Lawrence/Edwards faculty and staff by combining the completion periods into a single window beginning in early February. It was an unqualified success. Based on the positive feedback we received and high completion rates, we are repeating this practice going forward.

Accordingly, the following training modules will be assigned in early February with a completion deadline at the end of spring break week:

  • Harassment Prevention (required)
  • IT Security Awareness (required)
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (highly encouraged)

The estimated total time to complete the annual trainings is approximately three hours.

As an institution and as individuals, we are committed to being a campus community where all students, faculty and staff feel safe, empowered and valued. Our work toward a safer and empowering environment begins with awareness, knowledge and reinforcement that comes through the annual trainings. The learning modules are designed to give you the knowledge and skills to support students and colleagues by identifying, reporting and resolving potential issues.

We will soon share more details about how to access and complete the learning modules for Harassment Prevention, IT Security Awareness and DEIB. In alignment with our Required Training Policy, all individuals assigned required training must complete the training within the specified window.

Thank you in advance for your efforts to build and maintain a safer, healthier and more supportive campus environment. And, thank you for all you do for our students, your colleagues and Jayhawks everywhere.


Barb and Mike

Barbara A. Bichelmeyer
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor

Mike Rounds
Vice Provost for Human Resources, Public Safety, Facilities and Operations