Jayhawk statue with Strong Hall in the background

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What We Do

The Provost's Office supports and promotes academic excellence, scholarship and creative endeavors to lift each other and advance society by educating leaders, building healthy communities and making discoveries that change the world.

Portrait of Barbara A. Bichelmeyer

Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Lawrence
Professor, School of Education & Human Sciences

Follow on LinkedIn: Barbara A. Bichelmeyer

State of the Campus

View the recording of the Provost's 2024 State of the Campus presentation
Watch Video
KU flag waving

Jayhawks Rising: Our Strategic Planning

KU has developed a framework for our strategic plan that establishes a vision, goals and objectives to guide future decisions. Implementation has begun, and we encourage you to join the process and follow our progress on the Jayhawks Rising website.

Visit Jayhawks Rising

Community of Care

We are committed to a community of care that provides a welcoming and supportive environment focused on the needs of each individual. We believe in a culture where each individual is valued and has the tools and support they need to achieve their academic, research and professional goals.
Students walking along Jayhawk Blvd.
A flowering tree appears in the foreground of the main entrance to Strong Hall at the University of Kansas.

Leadership Searches

The future of the university is rooted in the success of our leadership searches. You are invited to be part of our hiring process for innovative and collaborative academic and administrative leaders.

View Current Searches

We Value Your Opinion

Please share your comments and concerns in order to guide our efforts in building the best possible campus community for all Jayhawks.